Saturday, March 10, 2007

Flores -The Road to Kelimutu

Riding in an SUV was far more comfortable than the local bus seeing how it was without chickens, pigs and large sacks of rice. Our Indonesian com padres were very very nice folk for taking us under their wing.

A volcano in central Flores

At the beach, which is covered in polished green rocks - the towns main export

Dominoes is a very popular game in Indonesia - if you lose you have to clasp a clothesline pin to your ear - the guy in the black t-shirt was the most decorated.

Chowing down on some local Indonesian food the traditional way, with your hands. Most small Indonesian restaurants or warungs (Indonesian name) cook a load of food in the morning and then display it in their windows all day. The sun keeps the food warm and creates a lovely environment for bacteria.

Getting my mitts dirty. I use to be a very picky eater - now I seem to throw about anything into my jaws - strangely I've yet to get sick. Please cross your fingers for me.

Such a scenic drive

This area reminded me of a very lush Riggins - the white water was quite impressive looking.

A natural shower - water pressure is not an issue.

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