Badboy and his moped
Samantha before she rear ended a parked SUV. The incident turned out to be for the better though, because the SUV complete with driver was being rented by a guy working for a cellular company based in Bali, and he offered to take us to the local traditional Ngada village of Bena for free.
The Ngada people practise a mix of animism and Christianity, and sacrifice lots of buffalo on stone alters in the village to bring luck to their farms.
Sam and I at Bena - the traditional Ngada village
Farey (our driver), Bambang (the cellular man), and Sam (white girl)
Sacrificing stones and huts - on the ground you can find animal teeth and bones - its quite lovely
Homes are decorated in buffalo horns and jawbones as a display of the family's prosperity.
A satellite dish equals about 20 horns in prosperity ratings. Its strange that so many people have cell phones and satellite dishes, but no indoor plumbing or hot water.
Hilltop view of the village
Virgin Mary complete with donation box.
After the village Bambang took us to the hot springs - for free!! Then he offered to take us to Kelimutu if we paid for gas, which is the greatest deal of the whole trip.
This piece adorned our bathroom mirror. Why?
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