We woke up at 4 Am for the biggest attraction of the tour the Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt flat (7,522 sq miles). The rain was pouring, but our driver seemed confident.... that is until he got us stuck. We were followed by 3 other land cruisers of tourists, and after our rig got trapped, the second in line, revved his engine and promptly got stuck as well. The other two not wanting to be left out of all the fun joined the team and sunk into the salt soon after. The water was extremely cold and up to my ankles (the water is so salty that it will ruin your shoes - so you gotta go barefoot), but we all had to get out to try to free our vehicles. We luckily managed to free one Land Cruiser, but the other ones managed to sink even deeper into the Salar de Uyuni. For the next hour we tried to use the wench on the freed vehicle to pull the others to safety, but the line continued to snap, and the Land Cruiser just didn't have enough juice for the task.
The freed vehicle went for help, which came in the form of a big ol flat bed.
A stong cable was tied to each vehicle's undercarriage.
Then using the most technologically advanced Bolivian equipment and tactics we lifted the rear tires and placed wooden planks underneath them.

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