Paz is a busy cheap place located at 3660 m ( 12008 ft). The strangest thing about this city is that all the poor reside on the hilltops (with some amazing views of the Cordillera Real) known as El Alto, and the rich live in the lower parts of the city.
Here´s the view from El Alto
Iglesia de San Francisco
City buses
Another shot of town
Best Cuban food I´ve had in a long while - all this for less than 4 bucks

The police preparing for a wild crowd at the soccer stadium

I went and checked out a few games while I was in town including the
pre-World Cup match between Peru and Bolivia. Here´s a series of shots from Bolivar vs. Blooming, which sadly ended in tie (something unheard of in America).

Stand in the Witches Market - carrying all the necessities: llama fetuses, jungle cat pelts, and a wide assortment of other voodoo necessities.

I ran into my friend, Erika, again and enjoyed a very inventive meal at Pronto Dalicatessen.

Lama steak in chocolate sauce

A ravioli dessert.

Bolivia's beer factory making everybody's favorite beverage: Pacena
The street where I was robbed

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