Saturday, December 09, 2006

Phnom Penh

Entering Cambodia

Recruiting for the Cambodian Military

A true cultural excursion and a lesson in history.

RPG launcher - for $200 you can shoot this bad boy & if you shell out another $200 on top of that you can fire it at a cow. You would have to be a very cold hearted person to disintegrate a
cow considering that many people in this country are starving.

Bryce gets jiggy with it.

The killing fields of Choeung Elk where about 17,000 men, women, and children were taken for extermination from 1975-1978. This is a picture of the Memorial Stupa , which holds the skulls of over 8,000 people killed at Choeung Elk. The fields are now a very peaceful place with a dark

Executioners beat children to death against this tree, speakers in its branches would blast music to drown out the screams.

On a much lighter note - Maya, Emily, and Bryce enjoying some afternoon tea.

Security Prison 21 (S-21), Cambodia's largest detention and torture facility during the Khmer Rouge. The facility is filled with personal stories and photographs of both the victims and the torturers - it is an extremely depressing, but educational experience.

A torture room

In each room a picture of a victim of the room is hung.

The streets of Phnom Penh

Maya, Johanna, and Emily

National Museum of Cambodia- holds a massive and beautiful collection of Khmer sculptures. Underneath the roof of the museum supposedly lives the worlds largest bat population found in an artificial structure, which you can see leave in the hundreds at sunset .

Corporate safety is everywhere

A plate of some tasty Indonesian food

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