Here I am rappelling, followed by me (the guy on the left) hanging 75ft in the air - performing an emergency tie-off (just for practice).

Photo of where our fire was (middle of no where) and me carrying 100lb duffel bag off the fire(our packs do not have an internal or external frame so its akin to carrying a large canvas bag with straps - not fun). This particular endeavor took a fellow fire fighter and I five hours of hiking until we reached a trail where we could be picked up. The country on our forest is not forgiving with the mountains possessing extreme slopes leading to my compadre and I falling down a whole lot - it was not a enjoyable experience.

Some crazy geological photos taken in the Lost River Ranger District on the Salmon/Challis National Forest (this forest also boasts the largest wilderness in the lower 48 states) .

A bunch of sunsets taken on the Salmon/Challis National forest and in Arizona 

Playing with Fire

Some shots of one of the larger fires our crew was assigned to - the Wildhorse Fire located near Mackey, Idaho on the Wildhorse Campgrounds